is it rain the course

Today, we heard at Malysia, there are many case that related with dengue, but , those case emerged less than 5,000 cases in various states. Still, those cases able to preserved under Health Ministry. The health Ministry is anticipating an upsurge in dengue cases when the rainy season begins.

Its ministry, Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam, said last year's statistics showed dengue peaking at the start of February at 3,283 cases, before dropping and then picking up bythe 25th or 27th week , around mid-June.

Yesterday, has been lauch "Allied Against Dengue", whichall info about dengue been embraced. It stated the mosquito egg can survive for six months in dry conditions being laid. The dried out eggs will subsequently hatch, and dengue been spreading by mosquitos.

But, not to worry , every problem has it own solution, as if a person couldthrow his/her rubbish to rubbish ban, a family have clear all dried leafs around their house yard, and play their role, our role to preserved our home to be the best place to live, those actions been taught in school, yet, our generation can live without dengue.

No matter how much money we spend, no matter what cost of our time been spent, we keep on thinking of its solution. Anything , whatever that related with our life, we would figured why it possibly happened to us ? Why not them?

I admired such person who thinking out of box. Thinking other thing that occur to us, to human, to life. Just like Mikolaj Kopernik. The great Polish astronomer, other name is Nicolaus Copernicus, was born in 1473, in the city of Torun , on the Vistula River, in Poland. He came from a well-to-do family. As a young man, Copernicus studied at the University of Cracow, where he became interested in astronomy. In his mid-twenties he went to Italy, where he studied law and medicine at the Universityof Bologna and Padua, and later received a Doctorate in canon Law from the University of Ferrara. Copernicus spent most of his adult life on the staff of the cathedral at Frauenburg, where he was a canon, Copernicus was nevwer a professional astronomer, and the great work which has made him famous was accomplished in his spsre time.

During his stay at Italy, Copernicus had become acquainted with the idea of the Greek philosopher, Aristarchus of Samos (third century B.C ), that the earth and the other planets revolved about the sun. Copernicus became convinced of the correctness of this heliocentric hypothses, and when he was about forty he began to circulate among his friends a short, handwritten manuscriptsetting forth in preliminary form his own ideas on the subject. Coperrnicus spent many years taking the observations and making the calculations that were necessary for the composition of his great book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ( on the revolution of the Celestial Spheres), in which he describes his theory in detail, and set forth the evidence for it.

In  1533, when he was sixty years old, Copernicus delivered a series of lectures in Rome, in which he presented the principal points of his theory, without incurring papal disapproval. Nevertheless, even when his book was completed, Copernicus finally decided to have the book published, and it was not until the day he died, May 24, 1543, that hew received the first copy of his book from the printer.