When weare important

There are posibbality in our life, there is certain things in our life, ourself that can attract others, either our closed, our friend, our surrounding, which would can others get.

From us.

Typically, it is not we need to be selfish. Because, human always unsatisfy with theirs own thing, even, they gain, succeding gaining Ferrari model car but, he still working, to get more. For us, as we get something, the more price, which need from us time to spend, expenses that we have applied within, and yet other sacrifices that we have done.

But, as you get someone, within your teritory, just like that, you need to be firm with them. Not, just avoid. Because, in religion we are the same. We all equal in the eye of God. So thus, as if others like to get something from you. Just give how many you can. As they requested from you $1000, you jusat give them $100. At least you try to help them. Because, we can not help them in sum, we are just human. We could not afford to help overall. 

God have made us limited resouce. Limited energy to consumed. Because we are human.

In the matter of ntime, people love to call, chatting, with their closed one. Plus, as we love hanging with our clicks, for instant, we keep on calling them when we can see them again, and again.That's not all, as we hang out with them , other thing would came out too such as how many car will apppear as we drive to specific , specific place, how many cost would come. 

As if, all of such group , in the samwe workplace, the same status, will may, probably, know each of other salary, income, what are commitment that we need faced. And, other stuff.
We maybe precaution with people surrounding either they sincere communicate with us or not-we didnt know that, but, we still contact with them, as maybe they contact with us due of we have business with them or not.

Telling of communicate, we certainly have to decided of make any boundary or/and outbound them.But, as we dont have any business vwith them, some of them taking some granted to what we have.

It is not we are forgotten of where we are come from, but, of how people react to us, somehow, people who related closed to us may and will find a gap from us to get somethuing from us. Either we do have business, cafe , for instant, but, our friends, occasionally, would come to our place and just take from our cafe and eat. Thus, leave without words, or even pay.

Are we should to do , to react just like that without thinking of people suffer to opened up business? To open a new business, we have to put our mentality on it, and make a plan, for a year, 5-years plans, and inforthcoming. Plus, it's not stop there, we need to calculated how much our cost buying raw material and how much we got, thus, that is our cost to sale customer. 

However, people wont thinking that far.

They just like, eat and go.

As that been happen to you too, what you need to do, just let go this type of person. Because, this kind of person may not thinking of others unless themselves. They are person whom are not thinking of what we were facing before. And, as if they knew, they already dissapeard once they know we dont have thing that valuable to them.