why do and dont

The fast running  out of space  fpr illegal migrant workers at Immigration detention centres. Also, they been charged and have to oot the bills for holding and repatriating. 

Plus, industry sectors demand of more than two millions workers to fill those jobs. Also, at the same time, government bear all cost sending them back.

in determind that those illegal numbrs whoever entered our country is massive number, plus, govdernment, in forthcoming, would rehiring programmes, such programme which would serve to legalise those who had overstayed.

That's for our country matter.

But, meanwhile, on the other hand, Singapore government have arrest motorist whom passing cuystom had been fine , and, they have pay those.

Anything matter than that, our country are so lean with illlegal workers who came here and wok in our country but, happened vise verse as other country are very stern with our Malysian who are working at theirs.

To me, it is good as other country are very stern of their rules and regulations and those action has its own pros as thewir action able to reduced those numbers who want to working in their country. Still, it might be feel kind of weird as all of Malaysian are not support worker who came by in this country.

Nonetheless, our own Malaysian are been too fussy and choosy in their own career. They just want a place that is confortable, not messy, good boss, delight coworkers. That's wont happen, guys. Bear in mind.