why you need to defends yourselves

in term of defendes yourselves, you might thinking of been aim with our body, that situation is too harsh for children to seeing it. That could be though, but, it is not that kind of perspective as we thought. In defending ourself, even though, our competitive is more defensive as they might have their own sthrengthen ( that's make them loved judging others who lower than them. 

Thus, you have to protect yourselves, no matter what they are telling you not too. You may unable to protect , defences yourselves as they have bullying you since they knew what weakness is yours.

Maybe, you just acting , just let them and may God would theach them a lesson. But, once you are seems like a silent mode on them, they may increase their atoms and against you more. They, also, treat your kids bad as well they treat you.

How long you want to keep this situation? They judging you which reflect you, yourselves.

There was case, as such sister in law been beatwen until death due of sauch thing which she did not done it. However, during her death ceremony, those who against her finally knew thst someone had had frame her.

Are you gonna let them did to you, to you family? What about your kids? Your kids future? They might taking granted as getting advantages of you, your family.