When it becomes a habit

In line of perfection, you may get for yourselves a bunch of clothes as well as our merchandise so as you could do your work without obstacle. 

Nonetheless, you still have a softheart as everyone has it, even she/he  the baddest but, we are still human being. Being human, not difficult, but, once they are in difficult situation, they can do anything as they can live just like others. Most of us, but, typically, they aren't. They keep on applying their technique which associated with others soft heart.

Yeah, I talk about burglar. Maybe, they are true who poorer than us, who are not received money to fullfilling their lifestyle. But, are they?

Living in the Metro[politan might a bit feeel a little of burden as if you have many, many chidren, who depends on you. But, that's a true story, we, might spend more money even we are alone. 

However, others who are not poor, who has car, living in the house which are so confortable with what they havew, but, they are still, want more, thewy keep on begging to get someone money. But, Im not talking about who work, work with client and they keep on entertain their client so as that client could love their tender.