Why we confort when those money more

We keep on

let to thrift as we short of resouces to cover our own self. We always nagging by the time we want to pay our commitment at the end of the month. We telling that we had to do a heavy job and it kind ofg burden when all the jobs has had done and our body stive when the time we are going to bed.


That's easy.

Because we are human. When the time has come we couldnt change anything that it beyond our control. To us, we need more more money as to get whatever we want so as our life is becomes perfect life ever. 

Yeah. All human does think that.

We dont want to sleep while we are hungry.

We dont anyone to scold us, even, we keep on being scold with our employer. But, my maid has made a word to me, '' just please dont harrash me with job that I could bear because my previous employer had me so. No, Im not the kind of person like that. Ive mind , applying rasional mind so as my worker dont ever felt exhausted at the end of the day, everyday, because, like I said. we are human being, we are not God to pushing others away, far.

Thus, the only thing when we had had to do jobs and yet keep on nagging, murmuring as why we are not enough during our day.

It simply.

Just do less sin and keep on pray to God. He the only that you can lay not other human