why should crying less

Evedryone has life. Everyone has theiur own problem, or should I say, has they own sadness. Maybe, most of the problems, are comes when we were asking of it. And, almost people are loved asking prolem as likely, to get car loan, house loan. But, not all of them, once, Ive asked a doctor, a vwery, very humble person even though he is a doktor, Ortho doctor, which more toward as an expert doctor. 

But, he is so good, even he has earn more than $100,000 permonth, for his earning, but, he just wear a cotton vase, not like any doctor would prefer a stunning cloth while thewy are having dinner at the most expensive restorant ever. But, to him, most of them, just wasting their money as to get attention from others. And, he is a single even though he is 60 but, he is good, love hearing "Supergirl by Reamonn". 

He told me, as when he was child, they were so poor as a drumstick of chicken need to share for the whole family. Still, his part, he gave to his youngest brother, who keep on starving as he just a kid, whom didnt knew what happen around him.

To get to school, he has to walk far, more than 2km with so cold weather which it 2 degree , and by the time they went back home, those degree becoming negative.

But, sadly, his dad die early, and his mother need to support them 5 childrens and yet, she did all job at once. She keep on silent, never ever, told what suffer she faced on. Still, his elder sister has had been bullied by hewr own classmate, and her mother told her do not need to cry as crying never solve anything rather than getting headached of thinking about it, your eye feel dehydrated and be reddish.

And his mom add.

Then what used to cry.

Just dop what you have to do next.
