When new refer to old

We are born in 21st century and absorb so many things from old sanscripts, old theory, and yet we do loved to practised those theory even those former , founders death a decade ago or before century.

However, those theory we still admire those results. Such as the one and only, Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the twentieth century and one of the supreme intellects of all time, is best known for his theory of relativity, formulated in 1905, and the general theory of relativity, formulated in 1915, which might better be called law of Gravitation. Both theories are highly complicated, and no attempt will be made to explain them here: however, a few comments on special relativity are in order.

A familiar maxim has it that " everything is relative". Einstein's theory, however, is not a retition of this philosophical platitude, but rather a precise mathematical statementof the way in which scientific measurements are relatively. It is obvious that subjective perceptions of time and space depend on the observer. Before Einstein, however, most people had always believed that behind these subjective inpressions were real distances an absolute time, which accurate instruments could measure objectively. Einstein's theory revolutionized scientific thought by denying the existence of any absolute time. The following example may illustrate just how radically his theory revised our ideas of time, space, and logical, indirectly.

Now, on the face vof its such result is ridiculous, and the reader may suspect thaat some tricks of wording is involved, or that some significant details of the problem have not been mentioned. The result has nothing to do with the details of construction things, or with the forces used to propel them. Nor is it due to any errors of observation, nor to any defects in the measuring instruments. No tricks is involved. According to Einstein, the foregoing result (which can readily be computed from his formula for the composition of velocities) is a consequences only of the basic nature of time , space and logical, aswell.

Plus, all of this may seem awfully theoretical, and indeed for years many people dismissed the theory of relativity as a sort of "ivory tower" hypothesis, which had no practical significant. No one , of course, has made that mistake since 1945, when atomic bombs were dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of the conclusions of Einstein's theory of relativity is that matter and energy are in a certain sense equvalent, and the relation between them is given byn the formula E=mc^2 in which  E presenting Energy, M equals to mass, and C represent speed of light. And the rest conclusion.

One cannot, of course, build an atomic bomb or a nuclear power plant simply from that formula. Still, it must be borne in mind too, that many other people played important part and role in the development of atomic energy.

Moreover, Einstein has set letter to President Roosevelt, in 1939, pointing out the possibility of the developing those atomic  weapons and stressing the importance of the United States developing such weApons before the German did, which helped launch the Manhattan Project, and which led to the development of the first atomic bomb.

Einstein not only advanced  such a theory, but he had put his theory in a clear mathematical form, from which explicit predictions could be made and his hypothesis tested. Subsequently, observations, the most celebrated of which are those made during total eclipses of the sun, have repeatedly confirmed the correctness of Einstein's equation.

The general theory of relativity stands apart in several ways from all other scientific.