Why Confucius

Nowaday, we can see Chinese people every where, either they're involving in advertisement, marketing, technology, and many other field.

Likely, in our country, Malaysia, we certainly has many culture and races, incorporate with various of people we met. India, whichever they have migrated since before independent of Malaysia at the year of 1957, August, 31. Also, Chinese people has had been work in Quary of raw sources consists of gold, silver, and other raw materials. Plus, Malay race is the dominant of all races which up to 30,267,367 of malay populations and been increased day by day. Those numberous of malay is likely of 50% of population in Malaysia.

Still, Chinese has their own theory instead. What reminds me of Chinese are; there is theory of Confucius. Ther Great Chinese philosopher Confucius was the first man to develop a system of beliefs synthesizing the basic ideas of the Chinese people. His philosophy, based on personal morality and the concept of a government that served its people and ruled by moral example, permeated Chinese life and culture for well over two thousand years, and has greatly influenced a substantial portion of the world population.

Confusion was born about 551 B.C , in the small state of Lu, which is in the present province of Shantung, in northeastern China. His father died when he was quite young , and Confucius and his mother lived in poverty. As a young man, the future philosopher served as a minor government official , but after several years he resigned his post. He spent the next sixteen years teaching, attracting a considerable number of disciples to his philosophy. When he was about fifty years old, he was awarded a high position in ther government of Lu;however, after about four years, enemies at court brought about his dismissal, and, indeed, his exile from the state. He spent the next thirteen years as an itinerant teacher, and then, returned to his home state for the last five years of his life. He died in 479 B.C.

Confucius is often credited as the founder of religion , but, this description is inaccurate. He very rarely referred to the Deity, refused to discuss the afterlife, and avoided all forms of metaphysical speculations. He was basically a secular philosopher, interested in personal and political  morally and conduct.

The two most important virtues, according to Confucius, are jen and Li, and the superior man guides his conduct by them. Jen has sometimes been translated as "love" , but it might better be defined as "benevolent concern for one's feelow men. "Li " descibe a combination of manners, ritual custom, etiquette,  and propriety.

Ancestor worship, the basic Chinese religion even before Confucius, was reinforced by the strong emphasis that he placed on family loyalty and respect for one's parents. Confucius also thaught that respect and obedience were owed by wives to their husbands and the subjects to their rulers.  But, Chinese sage did not approved of Tyranny. He believed that the state exists for the benefit of the people , not vice versa, and he repeatedly stressed that a ruler should govern primarily by moral example rather than by force. Another of his tenets was a slight variant of the Golden Rule: : What you do not want done top yourself, do not do to others."

Confucius's basic outlook was highly conservative. He believed that the Golden Age was in the past, and he urged both rulers and people to return to the good old moral standards. In fact, however, the Confucian ideal of government by moral example had not been the prevailing  practiced in the earlier times, and Confucius was therefore a more innovative reformer than he claimed to be.

As same as Muhamad, our Islam prophet, people against him until there was a plan to kill Him as as Muhammad was the person who able to influenced  others both in Mecca, Morrocco, and the rest of the world by spreading His Koran and His Truth faith, as small of population religion were Christian and Jew; and Confucius lived during the Chou dynasty, a period of Great intellectual ferment in China. Contemporary rulers did not accept his program, but after his death his ideas spread widely throughout his country. However, with the advent of the Ch'in dynasty, in 221 B.C ., Confucianism fell upon evil days. The first emperor of the Ch'in  dynasty, Shih Huang Ti, was determined to eradicated Confucius's influence, and to make a clean break with the past, he ordered the suppresion of Confucian teachings and the burning oif all Confucian books. This attemp at suppresion was unsuccessful, and when the Ch'in dynasty camer to close a few years later, Confucian scholar were again free to teach their doctrine. During the succeedsing dynasty, The Han (206 B.C-220 A.D), Confucianism became established as the official Chinese state philoshophy. 

This history is just history in the eyes of ours,  but, sacrifice of their time, mentality to bring those  all confusian to spread those theorey to others who new to it. But, thinking of teory, those facts that been embraced to friends, family, and others were not ease as we thought. At the first place, those scholar needs to have a brave manner , an optimist minded in dealing with obstacle from others, negative words from others whom new to it.