when bad is not bad

A decade ago, Ive spend my life time to go around, over my country, nationwide. As I ve seen every type of people , either the same region, the same race or /and otherwise, human is still being human.

We talk the same language once we are in hometown. We talk about what happened , what current issue been disbute either within nation or overseas.

However, as if you still judging people and yet you are still at the same place, the same friends you always met. Your mind will be just the same even you gettng older.

In joining with such group, they delibrated of one product, and they were doing some survey which been attend by forty volunteers. Thus, they give several packs for the same items.

And, yet, some of them , those advertiser not paying volunteers and they just pay for those five been selected. But, in term and conditions, all volunteers have to pay even though they weren't selected or, but, time passed.

Outside, all of them felt frustated due of they arent getting pay for that survey. But, while they were talking , authority walk out, want to know more what happen, and, what happen was, they doesn't know what those words in that black and white. 
