what make you pompelled forward

My auntie has two children, and now they're in college. But, what's make feel she kind unique as she keep on buying something and still, did something good, whichever she brought a craft paper, or glow paper, I bet she has something on her mind.

Even , she just a kindfergarden teacher, but, she keep on giving a new creative stuff to her pupil, even though just less seven agew.

She keep make a paper robot with just a little glue, a little shine, a little shimmer, but, always get oohhing and  aahhing from her pupils. Now, many guardians, or/and parent request their children(s) under her monitor and taught. She is just, not thinking about getting that paycheck but, getting those satisfaction from her work.

She may not count of what others let hold her back

She just keep on going
